All of these tests were done with traces of 12 hops or so.

- Menu checkmark
When "Ping Final Hop Only" is selected, the "Ignore First Hop(s)" option in the "View" menu doesn't have a checkmark next to it.

- Route change
Open PP, select "Start at Hop 2" from the IFH menu, start tracing. Now, change the IFH option to "Trace All Hops". The "Route Changes" box records a changed route. I understand why, but it's not really a route change.

- Bogus packet loss
Open PP, select "Start at Hop 5" from the IFH menu, start trace. Now, change the IFH option to "Trace All Hops". The first four hops show packet loss equivalent to the trace count at the time of changing to "Trace All Hops".

- "Final Hop" when trace stopped
Open PP, select "Start at Hop 5" from the IFH menu, start trace, let trace for a few seconds, then stop trace. Select "Ping Final Hop Only". Trace shows all hops. I guess I would expect to see only the final hop in this case.

- "Final hop" disappearance when stopped
Open PP, select "Ping Final Hop Only" from the IFH menu, start trace, let trace for a few seconds, then stop trace. Select "Start at Hop #" from IFH menu. The trace disappears.

- "Final hop" is first hop when stopped
Open PP, start trace. Change the IFH option to "Ping Final Hop Only". Now change the IFH option to "Start at Hop 3/4/5". Stop trace. Change the IFH option to "Trace All Hops". Final hop is now the first hop, too.

- "Final hop" double timegraph
Open PP, select "Ping Final Hop Only" from the IFH menu, start trace. Change IFH option to "Start at Hop 3/4/5". Final hop now has two graphs, the top one updating but no with no data, the bottom one updating with data.

- "Final Hop" and "Start at Hop 2" don't mix
Open PP, select "Ping Final Hop Only" from the IFH menu, start trace. Change IFH option to "Start at Hop 2". Trace disappears, thought it appears to still be running.

I'm sure most of these are all related to the same underlying problems.
